Center for Jewish Life offers you the opportunity to sponsor a special Kiddush buffet following Shabbat morning services. Kiddush helps us build the connections that make CJL a strong, vibrant community. By sponsoring a Kiddush, you participate in supporting and fostering that sense of community.
You may choose to sponsor a Kiddush in honor of an event of your choice. While many people like to sponsor a Kiddush to mark an important anniversary or birthday, one is not limited to personal landmarks or life cycle events. Sponsor a Kiddush in honor of the land of Israel, Health and Healing, the Center for Jewish Life Community, and any other special reason for which you may be thankful.
May the merit of sponsoring a Kiddush and thereby encouraging community unity and shabbat celebration, bring you and yours great blessing!
There are three levels of Kiddush sponsorship:
Standard ($275). The Standard Kiddush includes tortilla chips, salsa, hummus, cake platter, yerushalmi Kugel, cholent, drinks, wine/grape juice, & paper goods.
Deluxe ($350). The Deluxe Kiddush includes tortilla chips, salsa, hummus, cake platter, yerushalmi Kugel, cholent, challah, gefilte fish with horseradish, borekas, drinks, wine/grape juice, & paper goods.
Premium ($500). The Premium Kiddush includes tortilla chips, salsa, hummus, cake platter, yerushalmi Kugel, cholent, challah, gefilte fish with horseradish, borekas, cold cut platter, fresh fruit, drinks, wine/grape juice, & paper goods.
*Occasionally, substitutions will have to be made.
Thank you for your sponsorship; we look forward to working with you to make your Kiddush special!