
Seasonal Shabbat Offerings

  • Musical Kabbalat Shabbat

    (Spring Session)

    Start Time: 6:30pm 

    Location: 129 Lake street in Arlington 

    Once a month, we gather for a musical Kabbalat Shabbat, candle-lighting and Friday night kiddush for an all-ages Shabbat celebration. 

    A musical, kid-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service led by Rabbi Avi & Jake Bush begins at 6:30pm before candle lighting, followed by additional prayer, candle lighting and Oneg Shabbat. 

    *Friday Night Oneg/Kiddush includes grape juice & wine, challah, soup, and a variety of delicious appetizers. 

    Lecha Dodi

    Lechu Neran'nah

    Mizmor L'David

    Niggun before Barchu 

    *RSVP is required

  • Havdalah Under the Stars

    (Fall Session) 

    Join us for Havdalah Under the Stars with all your favorite Fall flavors! Spend an evening with friends around a fire pit that is sure to warm you both inside and out. Highlights include a musical fireside Havdalah, roasted marshmallows, Havdalah craft, and cozy refreshments.

    *RSVP please, so we can better prepare.

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