Hebrew High provides advanced involvement for high school students by challenging teenagers to incorporate Jewish thought into their everyday life. Each class incorporates ethos, philosophy, faith history, community service, current events, and textual studies.
Active Learning and Skills
We give teenagers a place to explore, grow, and participate through critical thinking, challenging activities, text analysis, public speaking, mock debates and driving questions. These active learning skills help build their personal conviction and passion.
Raise a Leader
While modern culture promotes conformity, Hebrew High encourages teens to discover their own voice by sharing their opinions and challenging ideas.
A key to Success
Academic performance improves when students enter university with a healthy sense of self and a clarity of purpose. Hebrew High provides the forum for students to think deeply about themselves and build a strong foundation of beliefs and values.
C-Teen Field Trips
Each month the students will participate in an activity or outing that will fuse fun, friendship, humanitarian outreach, and/or mitzvah observance.
Hebrew High is divided into two classes. Middle School: Grades 6th-8th. High School: Grades 9th-12th
$1575 per year.
Please email [email protected] for financial scholarships.